The eternity of jellyfish 
Animated on Procreate
For as long as I can remember, “What does it mean to live the fullest life?”
I suppose that everyone has their own definition of the fullest life
Nowhere approaching that level of insight has occurred to me on this journey.
How much longer must this mortal body host my immortal spirit?
How far will my sight take enough of the world to appreciate its splendor fully?
I wonder
Because in this lifetime,
my access to this world perhaps only last a couple more decades
Till then, I envy the life of a jellyfish
How can such a small individual live for millions of years?
Swimming, floating, and existing for so long
Will they catch a glimpse of how the world evolves? For such history and the future
That neither you nor I can possess the ability to do so
I have been drowning my mind in a pool of thoughts
Will a jellyfish do so if they don’t obtain a single centralized brain?
Oh, to be free-floating under the waves of the ocean
without drowning in the pressure of anxiety, fear, and grief
Will I deserve the right to pity that individual?
To be lonely for eternity.
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